Using eServices
Using eServices
eservices and are where all things CAP related can be found. You can also google ANY question you have and you will find it.
Cadets can track their promotion progress in eServices. There you will find AXIS online learning and complete learning modules.
After your application is approved, create an account on eServices. PLEASE WRITE DOWN AND REMEMBER YOUR PASSWORD!!
- Click on the first time user section and complete the process of making an account.
- Make sure you complete the cyber security training otherwise you will be unable to access any of the materials.
In order to promote, you will need to complete modules on eServices. Here is how:
1. Sign in to eServices
2. Click Menu in the top left hand corner, then click Cadet Programs and Cadet Online Testing
3. Click (GO TO AXIS)
4. Open the Cadet Achievement Tab
5.Click "Enroll" on Cadet Welcome Course, Learn to Lead Chapter 1(Choose the Interactive or the test, the test will be around 30 minutes and 25 questions on the book, the interactive will be an hour long course that will walk you through the book).
6. Go back to Main Portal
7. Click start and complete both courses.